Second Place Winner
Is there life outside our planet?
By: Sahr Asif
The universe stretches out beyond the billions of stars in
our Milky Way Galaxy. The universe goes out billions of light years and
approximately contains a trillion galaxies. Why would the universe be created
so large just to accommodate humans on Earth? Why would Allah, the creator and knower of all
things, make humans the only form of life in the entire universe? It's our job
as human beings to obtain knowledge and form our own opinions over controversial
topics such as extra terrestrial life. The Quran tells us not only to believe,
but also to explore in the different possibilities of things.
Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the land and observe how He began creation. Then Allah will produce the final creation. Indeed Allah, over all things, is competent." (29:20)
In order to form an opinion, I believe it's crucial to question science. Scientists believe carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen are essential for living organsims to survive in an atmosphere. What if extra terrestrial life doesn't need any of these things in order to survive? What if Allah gave jinns the ability to live without oxygen or carbon? Even in the depths of our planet, scientists have found organisms in remote locations that rely on elements like phosphorus instead of oxygen. Indeed, the environment contributes to the existence of all life forms and allows for the sustinence, or lack there of, for organisms that inhabit it. Is it fair to say that because of what we know sustains life for us as humans, is universal and completely the same for all other life forms? I think not.
Considering the amount of data that is currently available from space exploration, it would be quite a profound statement to suggest that we know the ins and outs and the true extent of all life in other planets. We are organisms that are carbon based, as well as mostly oxygen and hydrogen, the main elements that comprise water. The vast abundance of these elements in space is enough reason to exclude the notion that we are the only possible organisms that result from the chemical interactions of these notable elements. What about other element based life forms?
The Quran states that jinns are composed of
fire, so therefore, jinns could live in a world completely different than ours.
It's possible Allah has granted jinns
the ability to endure extremely high temperatures so they could live together
near the sun in a community called Sunnyville.
Say, [O Muhammad], "It has been revealed to me that a group of the jinn listened and said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur'an. (72:1)
It guides to the right course, and we have believed in it. And we will never associate with our Lord anyone. (72:2)
These verses of the Quran prove that some jinns do believe in Allah. Maybe the jinns all come together for Friday prayer as well as Sunday school and worship Allah like we do. Even though jinns and humans are composed of different things and live completely different lives, it's possible we could worship our one god the same way. Like humans, jinns also have a choice between good or bad which leads me to believe that jinns are an intelligent species.
And we had thought that mankind and the jinn would never speak about Allah a lie. (72:5)
Some jinns believe in Allah but the Quran states that the disbelievers will go to hell.
And if we had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come into effect [that] "I will surely fill Hell with jinn and people all together. (32:13)
The possibilities for extra terrestrial life outside of Earth is endless.
Surat Al-'Ankabut. (n.d.). The spider. Retrieved from
Surat As-Sajdah. (n.d.). The prostration. Retrieved from
Surat Al-Jinn. (n.d.) The jinn. Retrieved from
Siegel, E. (2012). How big is the entire universe? Retrieved from universe/